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姓名:任国鹏                                         职称:副研究员




2001.09-2007.07,理学博士 (硕博连读),动物学/保护生物学,中国科学院昆明动物研究所;





2005.05-2006.07,美国威斯康星大学 (麦迪逊分校),访问学者;



(1) Ying Gao, Shu-Xia Zhang, Rui-Ting Geng, Guo-Peng Ren, Liang-Wei Cui, Wen Xiao. Control selection for the assessment of protected areas in the Hengduan Mountains: A case study in Yunlong Tianchi National Nature Reserve, China [J]. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2020, 23: e01170.

(2) Yin Yang, Guopeng Ren, Wenjuan Li, Zhipang Huang, Aung Ko Lin, Paul A. Garber, Chi Ma, Shaoliang Yi, Frank Momberg, Ying Gao, Xinwen Wang, Guangsong Li, Alison Behie, Wen Xiao. Identifying transboundary conservation priorities in a biodiversity hotspot of China and Myanmar: Implications for data poor mountainous regions [J]. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2019, 20: e00732.

(3) Ren, G., Young, S.S., Wang, L., Wang, W., Long, Y., Wu, R., Li, J., Zhu, J., Yu, D.W., 2015. Effectiveness of China’s National Forest Protection Program and nature reserves. Conserv. Biol. 29, 1368-1377.

(4) Fan, P.-F., Ren, G.-P., Wang, W., Scott, M.B., Ma, C.-Y., Fei, H.-L., Wang, L., Xiao, W., Zhu, J.-G., 2013. Habitat evaluation and population viability analysis of the last population of cao vit gibbon (Nomascus nasutus): Implications for conservation. Biol. Conserv. 161, 39-47.

(5) Rui-Chang Quan, Guopeng Ren, Jocelyn E Behm, Lin Wang, Yong Huang, Yongcheng Long, Jianguo Zhu. Why does Rhinopithecus bieti prefer the highest elevation range in winter? A test of the sunshine hypothesis. [J]. PLoS ONE, 2017, 6(9): e24449.

(6) Ren, G., Zhu, A.-X., Wang, W., Xiao, W., Huang, Y., Li, G., Li, D., Zhu, J., A hierarchical approach coupled with coarse DEM information for improving the efficiency and accuracy of forest mapping over very rugged terrains. For. Ecol. Manage. 2009. 258, 26-34.

(7) Ren, G.-P., Yang, Y., He, X.-D., Li, G.-S., Gao, Y., Huang, Z.-P., Ma, C., Wang, W., Xiao, W., Habitat evaluation and conservation framework of the newly discovered and critically endangered black snub-nosed monkey [J]. Biological Conservation 2017. 209, 273-279.

(8) 季乾昭, 王荣兴, 黄志旁, 袁加红, 任国鹏, 肖文, 样本量与研究范围变化对 MaxEnt 模型准确度的影响——以黑白仰鼻猴为例 [J]. 兽类学报. 2019. 39, 126-133.

(9) 高颖, 袁加红, 宫向望, 李延鹏, 肖文, 任国鹏, 基于 Google Earth 的山区森林覆盖率快速估算方法——以云南省为例 [J]. 大理大学学报 2019. 4, 62-68.

(10) 李文娟, 赵小飞, 饶才红, 黄志旁, 任国鹏, 陈尧, 何晓东, 王新文, 白洪兵, 张淑霞, 肖文, 高黎贡山雉类生境预测 [J]. 四川动物 2019. 38: 328-337.

(11) 杨华康, 任国鹏. 锁具装箱问题中锁具总数的图论算法 [J]. 工科数学, 1999, (02): 3-5.