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姓名:张彩彩  职称:助理研究员  硕士研究生导师,招生方向:植物生态学











(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会地区项目,32160268,植物种内和种间功能性状对群落动态影响的研究—基于山地森林垂直带的比较分析,2022/01-2025/12,主持;

(2) 云南省基础研究项目,滇西北高山特有植物对气候变化的响应-以苍山杜鹃和大理杜鹃为例,2020/01-2022/12,主持;

(3) 横向课题,云龙滇金丝猴栖息地修复和廊道建设,2019/09-2022/09,主持;

(4) 大理大学博士启动经费;滇西北植物群落构建及其对气候变化响应机制的研究,2018/12-2021/12,主持;

(5) 国家自然科学基金委员会,地区项目,31960255,苍山平行溪流的流域水生昆虫多样性分布格局之水陆一体化研究,2020/01-2023/12,参与。

(6) 国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目,31570380,从谱系和物种维度探索云南典型森林土壤真菌的群落构建机制,2016/01-2019/12,参与;

(7) 国家自然科学基金委员会青年项目,31400347,热带雨林榕属更新生态位分化与物种共存机制研究,2015/01-2017/12,参与;

(8) 国家自然科学基金委员会青年项目,31300358,森林乔木稀有种和常见种时空分布格局研究,2014/01-2016/12,参与。


(1) Jiamin Wan, Yang Chen, Yanpeng Li, Caicai Zhang*, Zhipang Huang*, Wen Xiao. Taxonomic and phylogenetic perspectives reveal the community assembly of different forest strata along an altitudinal gradient[J]. Ecological Research, 2023, 39(1): 72-83.

(2) Kanokporn Kaewsong, Chia-Hao Chang-Yang, Sarayudh  Bunyavejchewin, Ekaphan Kraichak, Jie Yang, Zhenhua Sun, Caicai Zhang, Wenfei Li, Luxiang Lin, I-Fang Sun*. Effects of fire disturbance on species and functional compositions vary with tree sizes in a tropical dry forest. Peer J, 2022, 10:e13270.

(3) Umana, M.N*., M. Cao, LX. Lin and N.G. Swenson and Caicai Zhang. Relating leaf traits to seedling performance in a tropical forest: building a hierarchical functional framework [J]. Ecology, 2021, 102(7):e03385.

(4) Umana, M.N*., M. Cao, LX. Lin and N.G. Swenson and Caicai Zhang. Trade-offs in above and below-ground biomass allocation influencing seedling growth in a tropical forest [J]. Ecology, 2021, 109(3):1184-1193.

(5) Worthy, S. J*., Laughlin, D. C, Zambrano, J, Umana, M.N, Caicai Zhang, M. Cao, LX. Lin and N.G. Swenson. Alternative designs and tropical tree seedling growth performance landscapes [J]. Ecology, 2020, 101(6):e03007.

(6) Umana, M.N., Caicai Zhang, M. Cao, LX. Lin and N.G. Swenson*. Quantifying the role of intra-specific trait variation for allocation and organ level traits in tropical seedling communities [J]. Journal of Vegetation Science, 2018, 29:276-284.

(7) Zhang, Caicai., J. Yang, LQ. Sha, XQ. Ci, J. Li, M. Cao, C. Brown, N.G. Swenson and LX. Lin*. Lack of phylogenetic signal within environmental niches of tropical tree species across life stages [J]. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1):42007.

(8) Umana, M.N., Caicai Zhang, M. Cao, LX. Lin, and N.G. Swenson*. A core-transient framework for trait based community ecology: an example from a tropical tree seedling community [J]. Ecology Letters, 2017, 20:619-628.

(9) Umana, M.N., Caicai Zhang, M. Cao, LX. Lin and N.G. Swenson*. Commonness, rarity, and intraspecific variation in traits and performance in tropical tree seedlings [J]. Ecology Letters, 2015, 18:1329-1337.

(10) 张彩彩*, 杨晓燕, 肖文. 边疆少数民族地区高校通识教育课程建设模式探索——以大理大学为例[J]. 创新创业理论研究与实践, 2020, 3(20):128-130.

(11) 马关媛, 黄志旁, 张彩彩*. 云岭省级自然保护区云南红豆杉群落结构研究[J]. 大理大学学报, 2021, 6(12):91-96.

(12) 顾荣, 张彩彩*, 和正华, 杨荣, 陈瑶, 冯萍, 斯那取宗, 赵冬莲, 益西央初, 吴俊华, 林露湘. 香格里拉普达措国家公园长苞冷杉种群空间分布格局及关联性[J]. 生态学杂志, 2021, 40(12):3860-3869.

(13) 聂佩潇, 张彩彩*, 龙晓斌, 李延鹏, 肖文. 白马雪山自然保护区植物多样性海拔分布格局[J]. 四川林业科技. 2022, 43(2):95-100.

(14) 刘沛垚,张彩彩*.大理白族食用香料植物资源多样性研究[J]..中国野生植物资源. 2023,42(7):103-112.

